Date : 15 Nov.
Time: 14:00-
Venue: N101 Huagang Building
Speaker: Dean of Case Western Reserve University,School of Law
Topics: Controversies in International Criminal law
Some say we have moved from an age of impunity to an age of accountability. The past 20 years have seen the creation of several ad hoc international criminal tribunals and the establishment of a permanent international criminal court. But this past year has not been a good one for international justice. Michael Scharf, author of the award-winning new book, "The Legacy o-f Ad Hoc Tribunals in International Criminal Law" (Cambridge University Press, 2019), will discuss the successes and failur-es of international criminal justice, from the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals to the ICC.
About the Speaker: MICHAEL P. SCHARF

Since 2013, Michael Scharf has been the Dean of Case Western Reserve University School of Law, which has one of the top-ranked international law programs in the country. Scharf is a Chaired Professor who has authored over 100 articles and nineteen b-ooks, including four that have won a national book of the year honors. According to the Leiter study, since 2010, Scharf has been t-he 17th most cited scholar in the field of international law in the United States. During the elder Bush and Clinton Administrations, Scharf served in the Office of the Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State, where he held the positions of Attorney-Advis-er for Law Enforcement and Intelligence, Attorney-Adviser for United Nations Affairs, and delegate to the United Nations Huma-n Rights Commission. He was awarded the State Department’s Meritorious Honor Award for his work during the Yugoslavia crisi-s. In 2005, Scharf and the Public International Law and Policy Group, a Non-Governmental Organization he co-founded and dire-cts, were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by six governments and the Prosecutor of an International Criminal Tribunal for th-e work they have done to help in the prosecution of major war criminals. During a sabbatical in 2008, Scharf served as Special A-ssistant to the International Prosecutor of the Cambodia Genocide Tribunal. Since 2011, Scharf has produced and hosted the radio program “Talking Foreign Policy,” broadcast quarterly on Cleveland’s NPR station, WCPN 90.3 FM.